To the strong woman…..

I’ll never forget how I was frantically walking in the airport in Johannesburg searching for my gate. Gripping my carry-on suitcase a little tighter, I kept walking until I almost bumped into a man wearing a yellow security vest. He asked me if he can help me, so I told him that I was looking for my gate and he told me to follow him. Without any hesitation I followed him. The last thing I wanted was to miss my flight and be stuck in the murder capital of the world. He led me into an elevator and pressed the button for the top floor and that’s when it didn’t seem right. He looked nervous and jumpy. He kept texting someone on his little burner phone and that’s when I knew that this was an attempt to kidnap me. As the elevator moved up, my heart started to pound. I knew that as soon as the elevator doors opened I would need to run for my life. As soon as the doors opened I ran. I ran so fast that I nearly dropped my carry-on. As I reached the escalator going down I glanced back just to see him walking out the doors that led outside where a van was waiting. There were no gates on that floor. I’m so happy that I was able to escape and later boarded the plane safely going to Mozambique. 

I can tell you so many stories about crazy stalkers and being harassed by men in the work force. Being treated as bait for rich investors by my former male boss. I was young and naive and was afraid to stand up for myself.

I am a big advocate for women’s rights! I am so grateful for the women who fought for my right to vote and for an opportunity to get an education. I want people to treat women with respect and equality in the work force.

But today’s “radical feminism” terrifies me…

One cold and rainy afternoon I was watching the women’s march live. Hundreds of women holding signs and banners with all kinds of empowering messages. I felt so proud to be a woman and even at one point wished that I was there-- until I saw something that shocked me. I saw a woman dressed as a pregnant woman pretending to give birth to a baby and as she pulled “the baby”` out from underneath her dress, a woman standing next to her pretended to slaughter the fake baby with a sword. As she swung the sword at the fake baby, a massive crowd of women cheered “My body, my choice!” I looked at my precious 4 month old daughter at that moment and my heart broke. I realized what a crazy and disgusting world she was born into. I saw women wearing shirts saying “I love abortion” and “let’s be gender neutral!” and “I’M A FEMINIST" someone was even holding a sign saying that God was a lesbian while barely wearing any clothes on her body.... 

These women would make any insecure girl not want to be a woman.

All of the sudden the REAL definition of “Feminist” was sabbotaged by speeches about abortion, lgbtq rights, and being like a man. What happened to the woman wearing a shirt that read ‘I love abortion’ that made her heart grow so cold?

These women don’t represent me. I am not that kind of feminist.

This Godless world teaches that you can pretty much do whatever you want. You see when you take God out of the picture, then your feelings become your truth. Satanism teaches you that you are your own master and that you can pretty much do whatever you want. The individual is sovereign over his or her own life. No God, no absolute/objective standard for right and wrong.

The Bible says in 1 John 3:8 "But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil. Those who have been born into God’s family do not make a practice of sinning, because God’s life is in them. So they can’t keep on sinning, because they are children of God.” WHAT!? If you’re in sin then you belong to the devil? Well, that’s what the Bible says.

Just recently, Oklahoma tried passing a bill which allows women to be topless in public. Since men are allowed to do it, then women should be allowed to as well, so the argument goes. These women are not even realizing how badly they are hurting themselves and the future generation by exposing themselves even more to sexual assault, rape, and sex trafficking. You can’t just expect a man to look at a topless woman the same way he would look at a topless man, not when this country portrays a topless woman as a sex symbol. (Colorado already passed this bill😢)

Who needs chivalry? And please don’t open the door for a woman because she just might get offended. This is sad.

The way the media portrays a “strong feminist” is the opposite of how the Bible portrays a strong woman. The fashion world represents a strong and confident woman by dressing her in as little clothes as possible. The shorter and tighter the clothes the better…The term “sexy” is being thrown around without any realization of what it actually means. Let’s leave the sexy in the bedroom. 

So many people think that a Christian woman is some quiet little mouse and her place is only at home raising her babies. WRONG. A real Christian woman is powerful!! The Bible talks about some of the most powerful women that made history. 

Just to name a few:
Mary: Gave birth to JESUS!
Deborah (book of Judges) -She was a judge and a prophet and at one point was a leader of an AMRY
Esther (has a whole book dedicated to her) was a Queen that risked her life to save the Jewish people.
Phoebe (book of Romans) -she held the title of “Deacon” 

Read Proverbs 31! Totally opposite from a timid little mouse. The woman who the Bible describes in this chapter is a total POWERHOUSE! She’s BRAVE, STRONG (she strengthens her arms by working out! She’s fit!), VIRTUOUS, HARDWORKING (provides food for her household. BOSS), LOVING, COMPASSIONATE (helps the poor) MONEY SAVVY and entrepreneurial (considers land and buys it), she’s STYLISH (her clothes are made of FINE linen), She’s HONORABLE, WISE, and she’s a PEACEMAKER (one of the biggest strong qualities that the devil absolutely fears!)

That’s you, mama! The STRONG woman! 

What’s happening with our world is crazy and I am asking all the STRONG AND COURAGEOUS women to rise up and shake the heavens with your prayers for our nation! 

The Bible says that the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives inside of us and THAT’S POWERFUL! (Romans 8:11) That spirit is in YOU! Maybe you're a stay at home mama raising the world’s future revivalists, or a CEO running an empire! The SPIRIT OF GOD lives in you! Whoa! That’s powerful!

So many will talk amongst themselves about the craziness of this wold and then do nothing about it, but now is the time for the POWERFUL and BRAVE women to RISE UP and shine bright in this darkness. Whom should we fear? The spirit that lives inside of us is SO MUCH GREATER than the spirit of this world! (1 John 4:4)
Just let that sink in for a minute because THAT’S POWERFUL! We need to LOVE more than ever before. Yes, mama I said LOVE the broken and the confused. The hurting and the lost, because the only way to fight hate is with the power of LOVE and the Holy spirit. The only way the abortionist will understand the value of life is ONLY through Jesus and not by holding banners at her face that read “you’re going to hell!”

For God so loved the world (and ALL people in it) that he gave his one and ONLY Son to die for our sins! Jesus took the lowliest place and then exalted us ALL with Him. Jesus Christ died for the radical feminist that some refuse to sit next to. He died for the transgender man who is selling us our makeup at the store! And you know what? HE LOVES THEM TOO! For we don’t hate the person, but the sin. 

And as a child of God you were COMMANDED by God himself to LOVE and to spread the gospel all OVER THE WORLD. Most importantly we REPRESENT the King of Kings Himself. 

Let’s make STANDING UP FOR THE TRUTH the new normal. 

Rise up and put on your shield of faith and the full armor of God and FIGHT BACK for the voiceless, unborn children and for the sanctity of marriage. Like never before, we need to teach our children their identity in Christ! And most importantly, mama, PRAY. There is so much power in prayer.

-Nadia Tari

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